Stay Informed,
Stay Safe!

Providing Useful & Current News Regarding Safety Measures on Lake Pulaski in Buffalo Minnesota.

Lake Pulaski Improvement District

An Informative Site About Lake Pulaski

in Buffalo, Minnesota

Lake Pulaski Improvement District is here to keep you updated on the news regarding boating and other activities. A busy summer is upon us, so please have patience when loading and unloading your watercraft, as the wait time is a bit long. All our Lake Pulaski information is for the community to stay safe during their travels.

Zebra Mussels confirmed in Lake Pulaski!

Zebra Mussels were confirmed on May 16, 2022. Please read this article from the DNR for more information.

Zebra Mussels were confirmed on October 6, 2022 in Buffalo Lake.

On August 30, 2023 starry stonewort has been confirmed on Clearwater Lake near Annandale.

In order for Lake Pulaski to pump, Buffalo Lake has to be at 915.50 or lower and Lake Pulaski has to be at or above 966.00.  The criteria has to be met for both bodies of water.

Home Owners:

The LID is working diligently on this unfortunate news that we received on the 16th of May 2022.  We know that you have a lot of questions and concerns and we will continue to update this page when we have more information.

5/18/22: The LID is currently working with the City to get divers into Buffalo Lake and the DNR to get screens approved and installed so that we can pump if we reach pumping stage at 966.00 (currently at 965.29) and when Buffalo Lake recedes to 915.50 (currently at 916.94 and rising).  There are still a lot of unknowns of what we can and cannot do at this point.

5/20/22: The City Engineers had previously researched this case scenario back in 2017 and are working on updating it.  The options would be installing an intake screen within the lake near the pump station or a pressurized filter on the outlet near the milfoil building. They are also looking at the feasibility of the project which will be included in the report in the next two to three weeks.

5/25/2022: The City is hoping to have divers in Buffalo Lake within the next two weeks.

6/2/2022:  Blue Water Science did dive Buffalo Lake and did not find any Zebra Mussels in the areas searched.

The City Engineers are still researching the quickest solution which will include a screen in order to pump.

6/7/2022: Discussed with City Engineers three possible solutions to submit to the DNR as a draft.  When the information is pinned down and submitted, we will post it to the website.

6/17/2022: Discussed with City Engineers three self contained options that include 30 micron screens all ranging between $1.5-2.0 Million in cost that will be discussed with the DNR by the end of June for approval to submit for possible permit.  On going discussion regarding cost etc.

7/14/2022: On Monday July 18th at 7:00PM, the City Council will be receiving an update on the pump screening options from Bolton&Menk.  The LID is also working with the Army Corp if in fact a Section 408 review/approval is truly required given the proposed options.

8/26/2022: We are filing a permit for approval to the DNR for the new water filtration system that was approved at the annual meeting on August 16.  Once approved by the DNR, the City will then begin the bidding process (Sept-Oct).  The City is hoping to award the contact to the winning bidder in November-December 2022 for a Spring 2023 install.

9/15/2022: Bolton-Menk filed the permit to the DNR on behalf of the LID and are currently working on the details before the DNR can make their determination.  The LID did complete another grant application with Wright County which will be presented to the county board on 9/20/2022.

9/21/2022:  Wright County did approved the $300,000.00 grant that the PLID applied for. This grant will help offset the cost of the new water filtration system.

11/1/2022: The filtration operation conditions permit drafted by the DNR has been received and is currently being reviewed.

11/21/2022: Letter sent to the DNR Commissioner Sarah Strommen From Jon Tank PLID President, Buffalo Mayor Teri Lachermeier, and District 1 Commissioner Christine Husom.

12/22/2022: Received a response from the DNR today.  Letter has been uploaded to the Lake Pulaski News Folder.

Ice on 12-08-2022

2/22/2023: We are continuing to work through the bidding process and time line for the implementation of the new filtration system to be completed in the fall.  We are also working with the DNR to possibly do an early draw down early spring if the lake level is above the 964.50 mark using the current pumping system with two negative tow tests.

3/17/2023: The DNR has given the LID permission to do an early draw down to 964.50 (all permit requirements are still in place). If all of the permit requirements are met, we will begin pumping on April 1st.  We are hoping to reach 964.50 before the water temp reaches 48 degrees, as we then are required to test for Veligers.  Stay off the ice signs will be posted at the landings, pump intake site, and at the outflow site on Buffalo lake.

4/3/2023: The DNR granted the permit to pump early. This permit has been uploaded to the Lake Pulaski News page under the DNR correspondence page along with the Permit to transport infested waters.  Pulaski lake level is currently at 964.79 and the lake level on Buffalo is at 913.58.

4/6/23: Pumps are on.  Pulaski elevation is at 964.70 Buffalo is at 913.75.

4/13/23: Pulaski elevation is at 964.65 and Buffalo is at 914.86. Buffalo lake levels are updated daily and can be viewed at the follow site:

4/15/23: Buffalo lake is at 916.01.  The pumps have been turned off.

Pulaski is at 964.69.

5/15/23:  New filters have been ordered and the Buffalo City Council approved this expense and authorized advertisement for bids for the construction on the new pumping system.  We are hoping to have the new filters here by the end of July so if needed, a temporary system could be installed if water levels go above 966.0.

6/27/23: The temporary pumping system was awarded to Minnesota Mechanical on June 20, 2023.  They will begin construction once the filters arrive for the temporary system.  The new pumping system is now open for public bidding and will be awarded on July 10, 2023.

7/31/23:  Installation of the new temporary filtration systems is underway.

8/1/2023: Lake Pulaski Annual Meeting will be held on Tuesday August 15th, 2023 at 7pm.  The meeting will be held at Discovery School (boardroom) 301 2nd Ave NE, Buffalo, MN 55313

9/08/2023:  The temporary filtration system has been installed and is currently being tested to make sure it is working properly.

11/6/2023:  The LID was granted permission by the DNR to draw the lake down to the maximum lowest level allowed (964.5
feet) under permit 1987-3002.  This permit is located in the DNR documents folder.

11/29/2023: The pumps have been turned off as Buffalo Lake froze over.  The system has been winterized until spring.  The current lake level as of 11/28/23 is 964.56.

3/16/2024: Ice out

3/21/24: Pulaski Lake level is at 964.93 and Buffalo Lake is at 913.60.  The pumps have been turned on as granted by the DNR.

5/2/24: The LID did not receive any funding/assistance from the State of Minnesota to help assist in the new filtration system for 2024.  We are continuing to pursue.  In the mean time the LID is applying for additional grants through Wright County to help with the expense of the temporary filtration system which will require an additional screen and hydoburst system to make it operational.

5/6/24: Pulaski water temperature at 5' is 52.7 degrees.  Buffalo lake is at 915.43 so we have turned off the pump this morning as we cannot pump once the water temp reaches 53 degrees which will happen today.

6/7/24: The LID is currently working on phase two of the temporary filtration system which should hopefully be operational late summer/early fall 2024, so we can pump (under permit requirements) without waiting for fall/spring when the water temp is below 53 degrees due to veligers in the water column.

7/15/2024Lake Pulaski Homeowners Annual Meeting Notice-The annual PLID (Pulaski Lake Improvement District) meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 20th at 7:00 pm. The meeting will be in the Discovery School Auditorium located at 301 2nd Ave NE, Buffalo, MN. Enter through Door #2. Topics in the meeting will include updates on lake pumping, lake level, boat inspections, weed control, PLID budget & any New Business. This is a good opportunity for Lake Pulaski homeowners to learn more about what is happening around the lake! Please bring proof of ownership with you to the meeting, such as your driver license, utility statement or tax statement

8/6/2024:  Installation of the temporary filtration system should be completed and tested by the first week of September 2024.

8/7/24: Lake Pulaski water level is at 966.26.  Buffalo Lake is at 915.93. We cannot pump until Buffalo Lake is at or below 915.50.

8/21/24: Welcome your new Board Member Steve Lee, who was elected on Tuesday.

9/10/24:  The new filtration system is now operational with all testing complete.  Both pumps will be turned on as Buffalo Lake is below the 915.50 and the test results were negative for veligers with the new filtration system in place.

10/4/24: Pumps have been turned off as we are having issues with one of the pumps.  We have Filtrex coming mid October to fix the issue.

10/9/24:  The City of Buffalo had Blue Water Science inspect the Griffing Park public access and did not find any sign of Starry Stonewort on October 1st.

We will continue to keep you updated.


DNR Boating Rules

Please see below a list of some DNR boating rules. A complete list & description is found on the MN DNR website Please reference the website, for everyone’s safety.

*Personal watercraft is only allowed on the water between 9:30 AM and one hour before sunset.

*Do NOT follow directly behind boats towing people. Stay a minimum of 150 feet away in all directions!!

*Personal Watercraft (ex. Jet skis) are not allowed to jump boat wakes within 150 feet, including jumping other personal watercraft wakes.

* All watercraft must stay a minimum of 150 feet from docks and rafts.

*Boats are allowed to tow people between sunrise & 1/2 hour after sunset.

*Wear your life jacket.

Dangerous Behavior Concerns at the Lake

If you see any dangerous behavior, please have a description of the watercraft
(registration numbers if possible) and contact the Wright County Sheriff's
Office at 763-682-1162. You can remain anonymous.

Noteworthy Lake Pulaski News



July 4th 2024 Parade:

Where- Charlie & Clare Koch’s dock at 1721 Pulaski Road, Buffalo (East side of the lake)

When- Tuesday, July 4th Noon- Ski parade 1:00 decorative boat parade

Trophies will be awarded

Public can watch at Griffing Park Beach

On May 16, 2022 the DNR confirmed that Pulaski Lake has Zebra Mussels.

Please note, the Wright AIS Decon station hours of operation have changed to Mon-Thu 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Friday Saturday Sunday 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM.
FREE Aquatic Invasive Species Decontamination Station.
Collaboration between Wright Soil and Water and Bishop AIS Services.
Anchor Dock and Lift Storage Facility | 240 Popular Ave Annandale (behind classic Rides and Rods off of Hwy 55).
When: Monday - Thursday 9:00AM to 5:00 PM; Friday Saturday Sunday 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Small boats take about 10 minutes;
larger vessels 20 - 30 minutes.

Current Water Levels

Pulaski Lake Level as of 10/04/2024: 965.42
Buffalo Lake Level as of 09/17/2024: 914.61 out flowing from the Crow River.  In order for Lake Pulaski to pump, Buffalo Lake has to be at 915.50 or lower and Lake Pulaski has to be at or above 966.00.  The criteria has to be met for both bodies of water.

Thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s 4th of July Parade!

Lake Pulaski Improvement District
Lake Pulaski Improvement District
2023 Waterski Parade Winners

1st Place - Madonna Buselmeier
2nd Place - Isabelle Melgaard & Ashlyn Petersen
3rd Place - Wyatt Anderson, RC Ryan, Sam Shaffer & Austin Pfeifer

Lake Pulaski Improvement District
2023 Waterski Parade Winners

 1st Place Tiernan Family
 2nd Place Kramp Family
 3rd Place Jensen & Mullen Families

4th Place Melgaard Family