2010 4th of July Parade winners!
A huge “Thank You” to everyone who participated in the 4th of July parade! We had well over 20 boat/pontoons this year and the judging was not easy! Go to Image Gallery to view the all the photos.
Congratulations to our parade winners!!
Boat/Pontoon Parade |
1. Meyer Family and Friends (Tiger Woods) |
2. Oborsky Family (New Twins Stadium) |
3. McCourt, Nault, and Abbas Families (Happy Birthday USA) |
4. Stevens, Murphy, Hartman, Mills, Herschley, and Campbell Families (Trumpet Players) |
Water Ski Parade
1. Kyle, Alex and Ian Alviani
2. Tyler and Kyle Haupert, Becky and Katie Horack
3. Jennifer and Nicholas Allen, Tori Weber