Annual LID Meeting AUG 2015
Annual Meeting Minutes Lake Pulaski Improvement District
August 18th, 2015, 7:00pm
Huikko’s Bowling Center Meeting Room
1207 Highway 25 North, Buffalo, MN, 55313
Present: | Jon Tank | Jill Murphy |
Bill Jundt | Brooke Cebulla | |
Dave Tauscher |
The meeting was called to order by Jon Tank. Jon Tank introduced everyone on the LID Board.
Jon Tank asked for a motion to approve the minutes from the 2014 annual meeting. Motion to approve the minutes by Dean Skallerud, seconded by Kathryn Hoy, motion carried.
Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS):
Dave Tauscher
Dave Tauscher began with explaining what Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) are. He explained that the LID board hired the company Lake Restoration, for weed control on both Lake Pulaski and Little Lake Pulaski. This year’s application (2015) was completed per the guidelines of the DNR to treat Water milfoil and Curly leaf Pondweed. This included grant money from the DNR of $1,680.00 to treat Lake Pulaski, plus an additional grant from the DNR of $1,000.00 to treat Little Lake Pulaski. Total gross invoice amount: $12,359.00.
A question was asked as to why we can only treat certain areas and who determines those areas? And is it the same amount or different than last year?
Dave explained that the areas that are treated are completely decided by the DNR. The LID board only decided what company that ends up doing the treatments. The LID chose Lake Restoration based on the fact the LID has used them before and pricing. He also explained that we treated roughly the same amount as last year (2014).
Bob Burling asked if homes that use mechanical treatment to remove weeds counts as to amount that can be treated?
Dave answered that no, it does not count.
Florence Deutsch asked if it would be preferable for homeowners to do their own treatments?
Jon Tank answered that it really doesn’t matter, because the DNR chooses where the treatments are done regardless. The weeds are always changing due to weather and many other changing variables.
Dan Abramowski brought up many questions about and comments about homeowners treating the weeds themselves.
The LID board explained that every homeowner has the right to treat for weeds themselves. Those areas are deducted from where the DNR decides to do the treatments.
Doug Pietig would like to see a report from the DNR as to exactly where is being treated. Dave said he would send an email to Lake Restoration, asking for a copy.
Jeff Diehm explained how the DNR determines treatable acres, and informed everyone that area is not based on total acres of water, but total acres of water out to 15 feet of depth.
Bill Jundt
Bill Jundt reported that a new fence has been installed around pumps at Griffing Park. This was approved and paid for by the City of Buffalo. Board approved expenditure for chains and locks to be added. Bill explained before pumps were turned on, Olson Electric, out of Monticello, came out and tested pumps. Two divers dove down into the pit to make
sure pumps were clear. The main reason the fencing and stronger locks were needed was to protect pumps from vandalism and theft, as there had been signs of tampering.
Wenck Associates/DNR Update:
Bill Jundt
Update on pumping permit, Bill has met with Wenck Association and Tami Diehm (Attorney) to discuss a 3 year program with the DNR to analyze the effects of pumping Lake Pulaski when Buffalo Lake is in outflow (independent of Buffalo Lake elevation). The LID has approved the $5,000 for Wenck Assoc. to begin the process with the DNR. Each method purposed will cost about $48,000.00. Wenck is going to submit to Roger Stradel, from the DNR, for approval. If approved, the next step would be for testing to begin. Roger Stradel, an area hydrologist from the DNR, has been given approval to begin the proposed monitoring plan for investigating validity for Lake Pulaski pumping restrictions, and that we would release Wenck Associates to proceed with equipment costs for $6,540.00 and commence the three years of monitoring, required by the DNR.
Bill thanked Tammy Diehm for all her hard work and efforts working on this.
300 ft Wake Ordinance:
Bill Jundt
Bill explained that the 300 ft wake was already approved at last year’s annual meeting. The LID received a packet from the DNR that needs to be filled out by the City of Buffalo for
approval, and then submitted to the DNR for approval before any buoys can be placed in Lake Pulaski. That packet is on the agenda at an upcoming City meeting.
Lake Level/Water Clarity:
Bill Jundt:
Bill regularly checks lakes for water levels. As of 8/10/2015 Lake Pulaski is at 966.03 flood stage and Buffalo Lake is at 913.75. The pumps have been turned on. Water clarity is between 14-18ft., which Bill reported is really good.
Daryl Engwall asked if this information is posted on the website? Bill answered, yes it is.
Clayton Johnson commented that the water is as clear as he’s ever seen it in 15 years, and he would like the LID to share with the DNR he believes that the lake level is the reason.
Tony Polman asked how the LID feels about the pump rules being changed with the DNR?
Bill answered that it will be very difficult to get the rules changed with the DNR. A number of things would have to change, but the LID will keep moving forward in an attempt to make it happen.
John Campbell asked if the LID was aware of people from the Montrose DNR had been out on Lake Pulaski with nets to check fish counts?
Al Malerich said he spoke with the Montrose DNR about the nets. They told him the fish counts on Lake Pulaski are very favorable, indicating that the lake is very healthy.
Zebra Mussels:
Jon Tank
This year the public landing is again being staffed with surveyors. The LID’s budget for 2015 was $5000.00, approved at the annual meeting. These funds will cover labor costs with the City of Buffalo paying the remainder. The City is responsible for hiring and supervising the landing surveyors. There was a lot of discussion as to the difference between a surveyor and a level one inspector. A surveyor may not refuse entrance to the lake, enter a boat, but they can take down the boater’s information and inform the Buffalo Police, Wright County Sherriff department.
Jon reported that on June 23rd, 2015 he inquired about boat activity etc at the landing, and was informed that a boat did enter Lake Pulaski with zebra mussels. The surveyor did stop the boat, remove all visible weeds, and did contact the police. No one was available to respond, so this person was not penalized or stopped from being on the lake. A sample was saved and it was confirmed to be zebra mussels. Jon contacted Roger Stradal from the DNR, and it was decided to send out 4 divers, to cover a 500 ft by 500 ft area in front of the landing and the beach. 1,000 pieces of material were turned over in search of any signs of the zebra mussels. Divers reported that they did not find anything indicating Pulaski was infested.
The LID and the City Council met to discuss further plans as to a common strategy when Lake Pulaski becomes infested and we are working together to a plan together. Staffing level one inspectors is first and high on the priority list, and staffing them from ice out until ice one, seven days a week. Pumping can not happen if Pulaski gets zebra mussels.
Matt Nichols asked why the police did not do anything when they were notified about the boat?
Jon replied that it was a miscommunication.
Barb Demmer commented that the same exact thing happened on Bay Lake, and a water sample was done to test for the zebra mussels. She asked if the DNR did that to Pulaski?
Jon said that he would check with Joe Jacobs to see if a water test was done, he was not sure.
Jon explained the cost difference between surveyors and level one inspectors. Looking to budget for this in the future, a surveyor is paid $8.00 an hour and inspector is paid $14.00 an hour.
Kathryn Hoy brought up that Christmas Lake, who has been infested by zebra mussels, does not use copper sulfate, but they use zequanox and pot ash for treatment.
Jon responded that when he spoke with Joe Jacobs, from Wright County, that he said treatment on Pulaski would be copper sulfate.
Tony Polman asked if once we do get zebra mussels if they could plug the pumps?
Bill Jundt explained that no, we could clean them regularly with special tools specifically designed for that. Also, we would pull the pumps out of the water so they couldn’t become infested.
Matt Nichols asked if it was a surveyor that let the boat with zebra mussels on the lake, what would a level one do to stop them?
Jon Tank explained that level one inspectors have much more training and can do more steps to prevent them. They still only have the authority to call the police, but are better trained to take down accurate information and inform boaters.
John Campbell brought up the idea to possibly charge people to use the lake?
Bill Jundt explained that Maple Lake and Big Lake already do this, and the LID discussed this idea with the City. The LID is looking into this further as an option.
Jill Murphy
2014 is now closed. There was an income of $40,642.84 in 2014, and expenses of $61,421.46 in 2014. So far in 2015 there’s been an income of $19,663.58 and expenses of $7,398.19 so far. The majority of expenses are in the second half of the year. Balance is $70,652.39, projecting an additional $50,000.00 in expenses for 2015. In November the LID has a
$20,000.00 projected income, which puts the ending balance at roughly $40,000. 2016 projection is $86,000.
Jon Tank mentioned that we are always hopeful that the Wright County funds will be there in the future, but we can’t be sure.
Kathryn Hoy had questions with the budget, wondering where the $50,000 additional expenses are coming from?
Florence Deutsch asked the LID could post the budget beforehand on the website?
Jill Murphy explained that those were the LID’s intentions, but the meeting with the City of Buffalo the night before the annual meeting made last minute changes and updates to numbers in the budget.
Clayton Johnson made a motion to approve the budget, Dean Skallerud seconded the motion, motion carried.
Matt Nichols asked if we are all going to have to come up with more money? Jon Tank answered, yes, taxes will go up.
Chris Tank asked what would it entail to start charging for use of the lake?
Jon explained that the City has jurisdiction over the public landing. But with their approval, there would be staffing at the landing from dusk til dawn, and then possibly installing a gate with a loop detector for boats to get off the lake at night.
Jon Tank
Jon has been working and writing the new By-Laws for the past year with the help of attorney Greg Kryzer and attorney Tammy Diehm. They are on the Lake Pulaski website to be seen and read at any time.
Jon made a motion to approve the By-Laws. Kathryn Hoy said no, she had questions about the By-laws.
Kathryn Hoy had questions on Article 7, Article 8, Article 17, and Article 20. Tammy Diehm answered her questions, as did Jon Tank. Kathryn thanked Jon for all his hard work on the By-Laws.
Carol Busse commented that in Article 12, the LID needed to add the approval of the annual meeting minutes from the previous year. Jon said this would be added.
Jon Tank made a motion to approve the By-Laws, as amended by Carol Busse. John Campbell seconded, motion carried.
Dave Tauscher
Dave Tauscher and Brooke Cebulla positions on the board are open this year. Dave Tauscher is not running for reelection. Brooke Cebulla was nominated by Bill Jundt, Kathryn Hoy was nominated by Linda Engwall, and Tom Marr was nominated by Chris Tank.
Chris Tank seconded Brooke Cebulla’s nomination, Florence Deutsch seconded Kathryn Hoy, and Mike Cebulla seconded Tom Marr.
The LID board thanked Dave Tauscher for all of his hard work and dedication over the past three years.
Brooke Cebulla, Kathryn Hoy and Tom Marr gave speeches as to why they wanted to be elected to the LID board.
Dave Tauscher explained that there is one vote per household. Ballots were given out once the homeowner signed and in and showed proof of ownership. Dave introduced John and Karen Cambell who would be counting the ballots. Counting is done by non board members. Ballots were counted by the Campbell’s in front of the entire room.
After the vote, new members elected were Brooke Cebulla and Tom Marr.
Motion to adjourn the meeting by Jon Tank, seconded by Jim Allen, motion carried, meeting adjourned at 9:25pm.