Annual LID Meeting AUG 2017

Annual Meeting Minutes
Lake Pulaski Improvement District

August 15th, 2017, 7:00pm
Wild Marsh Golf Club
1710 Montrose Blvd, Buffalo, MN, 55313

Present : Jon Tank Jill Murphy
Bill Jundt Brooke Cebulla
Tom Marr


  • Welcome to the 2017 Annual Lake Pulaski LID Meeting
  • Introduction
  • Call meeting to order
  • Approval of the minutes from the 2016 annual meeting
  • Lake Weed update – presented by Lake Restoration
  • Fish Survey Update – Joe Stewig – MN DNR
  • Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) update – boat inspections
  • DNR Permit Amendment Request
  • Current Lake Level Update
  • Financial Update & Budget – presented by Schlenner Wenner
  • New Business
  • Voting Rules & LID Election

Jon Tank welcomed everyone to the 2017 annual meeting.

Jon Tank introduced everyone on the LID Board.

The meeting was called to order by Jon Tank.

Jon Tank made a motion to approve the minutes from the 2016 annual meeting. Attendees read through minutes, Dean Skallerud made a motion to approve the minutes, Dave Tauscher seconded, motion passed.

Kathryn Hoy asked if the board could mention in the letter that’s sent out for residents to go the website to read the minutes previous to the meeting.

Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS):

Lake Restoration

Jennifer from Lake Restoration was in attendance to give a presentation which began with explaining what Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) are, and what Lake Restoration as a company does for Lake Pulaski and Little Pulaski. This year’s application was completed per the guidelines of the DNR to treat Water milfoil and Curly leaf Pondweed. Residents were shown multiple pictures of what these look like and some other AIS issues. On May 5th, they treated 5.3 acres total on both lakes. This year’s application was completed per the DNR guidelines and included grant funding received from the DNR of $3,980. This is approved by the DNR, and the DNR does a physical inspection of all areas. Afterward, they determined that the treatments that they’ve been doing in the past have been working well and that’s why they ended up treating less area this year than in previous years.

A question was asked if treatments on Stony Starwort kills it? Jennifer said, “Yes it does.”


Joe Stewig

Joe Stewig was introduced, a fisheries manager from the MN DNR. Joe started out by giving an introduction on his background, including education and experience. Joe gave an update on Lake Pulaski and Little Pulaski’s fishery statistics, specifically on fishery surveys.

Joe explained what a lake survey entails. He showed photos of the boats they use and also the methods. He showed maps of Lake Pulaski with statistics i.e. acres, depth, etc. with the most recent being 2015. 

Walleyes are stocked on even numbers years – 244lbs or 4,000-5,000fgls.

He showed detailed slides on the history of Lake Pulaski. Also, graphs explaining Lake Pulaski fish statistics vs other lakes in the area. Lastly he discussed future plans for the lake.

He mentioned multiple times that they do accept volunteers if anyone is interested.

Griffin Park Landing:                                                                     

After a bit of a struggle with inspections in 2016, the PLID decided to have the city of Buffalo control staffing for 2017, and that’s what we’re proposing the same for 2018.

Staffing will take place from dusk til dawn from May 13th (fishing open) through the end of October.

Money budgeted in 2017 for staffing at the landing was $10,000. The city of Buffalo is matched our $10,000 and is doing the same for 2018.

A summary of watercraft inspections are as follows:

Total boats: 2,183

From Buffalo: 956

% Out of Town: 57% from out of town (1,227 boats) 11% increase from last year.

Arrive with plug in: 180 arrived with plug in (9%).

Total finds: 1 with zebra, 81 with plants, 11 with water.

A question was asked if we get any funding from the county? Jon tank replied that we do not because we choose not to use the DNR for staffing anymore due to an incident last year (2016) with staff leaving the landing unattended. Also, they start too late and it costs us too much money.

A question was asked when boats show up with plugs in what happens?

Jon Tank answered that the inspector asks them to remove it and clean out plant matter, minnows, etc. and clean their boat completely. So far they have all agreed to do this.

A questions was asked by Joe Stewing about a lot of turnover with docks and boat lifts?

Jon answered that it’s hard to tell what’s new and different, but hopefully they’re being cleaned and monitored by homeowners.

Kathryn Hoy asked if the board was getting anywhere on the subject of gating?

Jon thought that Lake Sylvia got an ordinance passed to put up a gate. Joe from the DNR said that was taken off and had not passed.

Jon explained that Pulaski’s landing is owned by the city, so we have no control over that. They can choose if they want a gate or if they do not. Lake Sylvia is privately owned so they have a better chance of getting a gate. The LID is still talking with city on the topic.

DNR Permit Amendment Request:

The LID requested an amendment to delete Section 5 of the permit so as to allow pumping prior to June 1 without the need for additional approval from the Area Hydrologist.

LID members (Jon Tank/Bill Jundt) along with Tami Diehm, have met and discussed multiple times with the DNR to get this omitted. It appears as of right now this will be approved. This will allow Lake Pulaski to pump when we get to 966. We would no longer have to wait until June 1st.

Secchi Disk Read (water clarity):

On 7/19/17 reading was 17’-9 Last year same time it was 21’-6.

As of 2016 there are currently 5 lakes in Wright County that are infested.

2017 Budget:

Jill Murphy/Schlenner Wenner


The PLID accountant Jon Archer from Schlenner Wenner & Co will be re-capping 2016 and presenting 2017 numbers thus far along with a proposed upcoming budget for 2018.

Jill Murphy introduced Jon Archer. Mr. Archer reviewed line by line the LID budget.

·       2016 is now closed:

·       Income of $94,049.50

·       Expenses of $74,460.53

·       Ending balance of $83,578.15

·       2017 Projection:

·       Jan-June Income of $61,501.25

·       Jan-June Expenses of $22,457.79

·       Current balance $122,621.61

The question was asked if the board has reached out to the city to see if they would pay for screens and then the LID could pay them back?

Jon Tank said that the board has had the discussion with the city and we’re trying to keep the communication open in case zebra mussels or worse does happen. The city is open/willing to help of needed. They view Lake Pulaski as a valuable asset.

Clayton Johnson made a motion to pass the budget. Dean Skallerud seconded, motion passed.


Two LID members terms expire this year, Jon Tank and Jill Murphy.

Jon Tank asked if there are any nominations for the position.  Jon Tank and Jill Murphy were nominated to run for another term. The floor was closed for nominations, motion made by Bill Jundt, seconded by Kathryn Hoy, motion closed.

Jim and Nancy Allen counted the votes. 39 votes were counted and voting was unanimous. Jon Tank and Jill Murphy re-elected to another term.

Jon Tank made a motion to end the meeting at 8:53pm. Kathryn Hoy seconded, motion passed.