Aquatic Treatment Public Notice 2020


Lake Pulaski Improvement District
PO Box 332
Buffalo, MN 55313

Dear Residents of Pulaski Lake:

PulaskiLake Improvement District has contracted PLM Lake and Land Management to treat Aquatic Invasive Species in PulaskiLake in 2020.

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has granted the Pulaski Lake Improvement District a permit originally based on a required waiver to obtain the signatures of approval from owners of lake shore property. Instead, the Pulaski Lake Improvement District will notify property owners of the treatment through alternate form[s]. This letter is one form that the PulaskiLake Improvement District is using to notify property owners. Other forms [may] include notification on the association web page, local news publications, and during the annual meetings.

With regard to the treatment for this year, 2020:

  1. The proposed timing for treatment: June-August
  2. The target species for the treatment: Eurasian Water Milfoil
  3. The method of control or product being used: MNDNR Approved Aquatic Herbicide
  4. If landowner does NOT want treatment to occur adjacent to the landowner’s property: fill out
    the form below and notify LID Board immediately at the following:

Lake Pulaski Improvement District
PO Box 332
Buffalo, MN 55313

Pulaski Lake Improvement District Board of Directors

I request that no herbicide treatment occur adjacent to our shoreline property.



All requested information must be entered for verification purposes


Property Owners Name(s):

Lake Property Address:

City / State / Zip:

Phone Number(s) Home:


Mailing Address (If different from Lake Property Address):