Lake Pulaski 2020 letter to home owners – 0001
July 22, 2020
Dear Lake Pulaski Residents,
The excitement of summer days is among us! We hope you are all enjoying yourselves!
Please take a few minutes to read this letter & the attached 2020 LID Board meeting agenda. Additional Lake
Pulaski information can be found at
Lake Pulaski Parade – Thursday, July 4th, 2020
The Lake Pulaski Boat and Ski parade is a long-time tradition in our community. Your participation in this
event is greatly appreciated by all! The parade theme is typically Patriotic and/or Current Events but really
anything goes. Go to and click on Image Gallery to view past parade pictures.

LID Annual Board Meeting:
The annual LID (Lake Improvement District) meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 18th, 2020 at 7:00 pm.
The meeting will be held outside at Griffing Park on the south side of Lake Pulaski, Buffalo, MN. Please
plan to bring your own chair & social distance yourself from others in attendance. Due to COVID-19, there will
not be any food or beverages available. Topics in the meeting will include updates on boat inspections, weed
control, lake level, LID budget & any New Business. This is a good opportunity to learn more about what is
happening around the lake!
Lake Pulaski Social:
Due to COVID-19, there will not be a Lake Pulaski Social this year.
From the LID Board:
2019-2021 Financials- The PLID accountant from Schlenner Wenner & Co has prepared the 2019 financials,
2020 financials though June & the proposed 2021 budget. The 2021 proposed budget will be voted on the night
of our meeting on August 18th.
No Wake Zone:
This does not apply for Summer, 2020
Lake Levels and Pumping Information
5.09.20- 966.05
6.2.20- 966.07
6.24.20- 965.61
7.13.20- 965.36
7.20.20 965.25
Current DNR Rules for when pumps can be turned on & in use:
1) We cannot commence pumping until Lake Pulaski reaches elevation 966.0
2) We cannot pump if Buffalo Lake exceeds elevation 915.5, as of July 16th the elevation was 913.57
2020 Aquatic Invasive Species (Weed Control):
The Pulaski Lake Improvement District applied with the State of Minnesota DNR for grant money for the
delineation and treatment of Eurasian watermilfoil in Pulaski Lake in 2020.
To receive grant funding the PLID must complete a delineation milfoil survey each year, a Point intercept
assessment every 3-5 years (was done in 2018) and contract with a DNR approved Invasive Aquatic Plant
Management company to perform the application services.
On April 6, 2020 The Minnesota DNR awarded the PLID a grant contract for $2150.
The 2020 Eurasian Watermilfoil Delineation survey was completed on June 23, 2020 by Freshwater Scientific
Services company. This completed survey indicated 10 proposed plot treatment areas of 51.6 total Acres.
The DNR only allows for a 15% limitation of the total lake acreage for treatment, which is 18.3 Acres on Lake
Pulaski. DNR treatment permits by Individual property owners are subtracted from the total that left the PLID a
maximum of 17.2 Acres for 2020.
The PLID contracted again this year with PLM Lake and Land Management Corporation to perform the
treatment. The PLID Board used the recommendation of PLM for the plot areas to be treated. The treatment of
4.2 Acres in Plot 2 and 13 Acres in Plot 3 was completed on July 22, 2020, at a cost of $30,214.27. A copy of
the lake treatment map is included with this mailing.
Aquatic Invasive Species (Zebra Mussels):
For 2020 the landing is staffed by the City of Buffalo (surveyors). Staffing began on May 9th , 2020 & will run
through September 30th , 2020. The money budgeted last August at the PLID annual meeting ($10,000) will
cover the labor cost. The City of Buffalo also agreed to continue their contribution of $10,000.00 for 2020. The
City of Buffalo will be responsible for hiring and supervision of the surveyors. Note: We have a total of seven
inspectors which are authorized to refuse entrance to the lake, as they are all level 1 inspectors trained by the
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.
2020 Voting– Only one vote will be cast per Lake Pulaski Improvement District household, even if there are
multiple owners for that particular household. We are requesting that you bring proof of ownership with you to
the meeting, such as a utility statement or tax statement. Once you have shown this proof of ownership, you
will be given a voting ballot. Votes will be counted by two non-LID board members.
Go to for lake levels and updates on pumping information.

Lake Pulaski is on Facebook!
Hope you are all enjoying a fantastic summer!
Lake Pulaski Improvement District board members
Enclosed: 2020 LID Board Annual Meeting Agenda
Lake Pulaski milfoil treatment plan as provided by PLM
2020 Pulaski Lake Improvement District
Annual Meeting Agenda
Griffing Park, Lake Pulaski
Buffalo, MN 55313
Tuesday, August 18th, 2020 7:00pm
- Approval of the minutes from the 2019 annual meeting- please go to to review minutes
- Current lake level
- Lake Weed Update
- Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Update (boat inspection updates)
- Financial Update & Budget
- New Business
- Voting Rules & LID Election
LID Board of Directors:
Jon Tank, President – Term Expires 2020
Bill Jundt, 1st Vice President – Term Expires 2019
Dave Tauscher, 2nd Vice President – Term Expires 2021
Jill Murphy, Treasurer – Term Expires 2020
Brooke Cebulla, Secretary – Term Expires 2021