LID Meeting Aug Annual 2014

Annual Meeting Minutes
Lame Pulaslti Improvement District

August 19, 2014, 7:00 pm
Huikkos Bowling Center Meeting Room

1207 Highway 25 North, Buffalo, Minnesota 55313


  • Kathryn Hoy
  • Linda Engwall
  • Carol Busse
  • Bill Jundt
  • Theresa Sweeney
  • Dave Tauscher

The meeting was called to order by Bill Jundt.

Welcomed guests; Chrlstine Husom, Wright County Commissioner and Jalce Hermanson, Wright County Deputy Sheriff.

Bill Jundt aslced for a motion to approve the minutes from the 2013 annual meeting. Motion to approve the minutes by John Siffert, seconded by Jim Allen. Motion carried.

Lake Level:

Bill Jundt

Theresa Sweeney displayed a video of the testing of waive levels talcen by a few land owner volunteers    and Jalce Hermanson from Wright County Water Patrol on July 7, 2014. The testing was done in coordination with the Buffalo City Council, the Lalce Pulaski LID Board and land owners to measure the difference between boat waves at 600 feet and 300 feet from the shore. Unfortunately, there is a difference between one boat cruising by and several going around in circles to piclc up a shier (for example). The team of volunteers did their best to reenact a typical day. The video testing was viewed and discussed.

The goal is to put an ordinance in effect so that there are no future surprises. The 300 foot no wake that was posted when we are at 966 is a request, however not enforceable. There is no ordinance on our lame regarding wake zones. Other lalces have ordinances for when a certain level is reached, the no wake automatically goes into effect.

To gather the data takes many people. The data we do have though shows the impact of waves primarily resulting from the waves from larger boats. The data was to show what happens at these levels.

The city has aslced the LID for a recommendation for an ordinance at various levels. This evening is a time to gather the feedbaclc from people present tonight. The city then goes to the DNR. The DNR and the city review and after a public hearing, the ordinance goes into effect. We have all winter to get this into action.

Kathryn explained that the LID’s thoughts are when the water level goes above 967. We go to 600 feet no wake. At 967.5 the suggestion was to move to a no walce zone., Between 966 — 967 we would be at 300 feet.(No walce is set by the DNR at 5 MPH)

The buoys are in place to educate the visitors where 300 and 600 feet is located.

Jim Allen stated that he has lived on the lake his entire life and when he was serving on the LID board several years ago, it was worlcing on lowering the level when we could pump with the DNR so that the level, it was brought up that the level the lake is right now compared to the level 50 years ago is substantial. What is the status of that effort?

I€athryn explained that we do not have permission from the DNR to pump lower than 964.50. We have hired an attorney, Tammy Diehm to assist us in getting our permit amended so that we can participate in the Buffalo Lalce’s outflow. So, when Buffalo Lake is high, we can still pump just as though we have our own outflow.

Jalce Hermanson from the sheriffs department spolre on worming with the DNR. Officer Hermanson stated that the message from the sheriffs department is that they will world with what the LID wants. Their recommendation is that the sheriffs department lilies the no walce at 300 feet across the county. All lalces under the county ordinance is 300 feet. Now there are a couple that are 150 feet.

Jon Tank aslced Officer Hermanson where the sheriffs department came up with 300 feet. Hermanson suggested that we are a unique lalce. It is the LIDs responsibility to ash their county commissioners to get done what the lalie owners want done.

Every lake at this time is 300 feet no walce and Pulaski is 600 feet. Remember to include Little Pulaski in with the ordinance.

Dean Skallerud commented that we cannot world around the DNR. They rule the lalres.

Officer Hermanson also aslced for ambassadors of the lalce. Possibly organize volunteer reserve units to educate boaters about lalce rules and enforcement. The sheriffs department is doing as much as they can.

Officer Hermanson brought up the zebra mussels issue:

Trained city employees and DNR are level one inspectors. The inspectors turned away three boats on Lake Sylvia this past summer. The mussels are very invasive. It tools I & J Marine three hours to remove them from the boats. It is easy to see on the boat. ($500 fine from the DNR)

Ordinance Recommendation to the City of Buffalo:

Kathryn highlighted the board’s recommendation:

967.50 no wake

967.00 to 967.50 600 feet

966.00 to 967. 300 feet

Below that, normal 150 feet

Doug Rippie who lives by Douglas Drive stated that the retaining walls at 966 and 967 are being pounded all day long. He stated that the ordinance should be 600 feet at 966 as the 300 feet was no help. There was discussion regarding the 2011 flooding and the lalce level at that time verses our present day situation.

Regarding the lake level, the LID has hired Tammy Diehm, land use attorney. Ms. Diehm responded to the discussion and added the DNR understands the frustration regarding the lalce level. However, the level at this time is not negotiable. What needs to be done is to find creative ways to impact the lalce level and the DNR will listen. If we can participate in the outflow, they would need to see data and

test results. Additionally, the use of the buoys definitely raised awareness.

Bill Jundt stated that what he would 1il‹e to see is an ordinance in place, whether it is enforceable or not, that has trigger points so that when the lcind of situation that happened this past summer happens again, automatic action is talcen.

John Siffert made a motion to have a no wal‹e at 300 feet when the false level is at 966.00. After much discussion, with the motion on the table, Mr. Siffert confirmed his motion to state: To amended the proposed ordinance 300 feet at 966. Seconded by Jon Tanlc. Carried

This is what the LID will talce to the city.

John Siffert made an additional motion to amend the ordinance to have 600 feet no walce when the water level was at 966.5 however this motion was never seconded or voted on.

Weed Update:

Linda Engwall

Linda reported that the DNR also controls the restrictions regarding what we can do to treat the different species of weeds in the lalce. The LID had a delineation done this year by Freshwater Institute that is posted on the website showing where the Eurasian Milfoil and Curly Pond Leaf is heaviest in the lake. There is a plethora of both on the shorelines around the lake but we are restricted to only treat 15%.

Bill reported that the secchi readings show that the lalre is way down in clarity lately The DNR sent out a map as to where the readings are to be tal‹en on the lalce. Bill then sends the readings to the DNR.

Website Update:

Theresa Sweeney

Theresa reviewed what was actually on the site and how to navigate through the fields. The site is visited frequently. Theresa encouraged people to talce a look at the site as it is loaded with information as well as links.

Holding Pond:

Bill Jundt

Bill discussed the history of the holding ponds around the false. Their purpose and status. Kathryn has been talking with Brad DeWolf again, regarding test samples of sediment in the holding pond as well as the cost of disposal of the sediment. Bill explained that the LID was promised by the city that the holding pond was going to be dredged but that was never done.


Kathryn Hoy

Ifatheryn explained that the budget reflected for inspectors with longer hours on the weekends. This was a dual role; inspectors and education. Inspect boats and educate visitors that there is an ordinance in affect. Reduced this expense in half to save that money for when the zebra mussels come. Same budget for legal expense and engineering as last year.

Motion to approve the annual budget was made by Milne Demmer, seconded by Dave Leonard, motion carried.


Kathryn Hoy

Kathryn Hoy and Theresa Sweeney positions on the board are open this year. Theresa is not running for reelection. Jeff Murphy nominated Jill Murphy, Tom Marr nominated Jon Tanlc.

Milne Demmer nominated I(athryn Hoy for treasurer, seconded by John Siffert. One vote per household.

After the vote, the new members Jon Tanl‹ and Jill Murphy.

Bill thanlced both Kathryn and Theresa for their years of service on the board.

Ad hoc: Barb Demmer wanted to encourage residents to be respectful and kind to the board. It is not an easy job and many times thanlcless. Think about what you put in an email or text before you send it. Bill also stated that this past summer was very difficult. We have a beautiful la1‹e to live on. Please treat your false neighbors as your family.

Motion to adjourn the meeting by Jeff Diehm, seconded by Gerald Melgaard. Motion carried, meeting adjourned by Bill Jundt.

Respectfully submitted,

Carol Busse Administrative Assistant