LID Min April 27 2021

Lake Pulaski LID Board Meeting Minutes                                                   

Location, Date & Time: Murphy & Co., Buffalo, MN 55313  4/27/2021 7:00pm

  • Attendees: Bill Jundt, Jill Murphy, Jon Tank, Brooke Cebulla.
  • This monthly meeting is held for the Lake Pulaski Improvement District members and is open to the public.
  • Meeting was called to order at 7:10pm by Jon Tank.

Previous Business:

  • Bill Jundt made a motion to approve the LID minutes from July 20th, 2020. Motion seconded by Jon Tank. Motion approved.
  • Jon Tank gave the board an update on the Lake Pulaski website. His office staff has updated and now secured the site.
  • Bill Jundt gave an update on pumps, stating that before pumping would resume the divers would need to come out and inspect the pumps. Current lake level is at 965.13.
  •  Jon Tank gave an update regarding conversations that he has been having regarding the Arbor Meadows Proposed Development and concerns or issues with drainage plans. Bill is going to call Justin Kannas with Bolton & Menk to discuss these plans.
  •  Jon Tank gave an update regarding conversations that he and Bill have been having with The City regarding the Wright County and CD3 Unit (Decontamination Unit) for Lake Pulaski. This would allow for any boat or watercraft wishing to enter Lake Pulaski must first go to the Decon Unit for decontamination before entering the water. They would get a ticket to prove they have had the decon and give it to the inspector at the landing. It seems like there has been a change of plans for location of the unit and Jon and Bill plan on pursing the issue with The City to try and still get the unit near Lake Pulaski.
  • The board members received an email from Lee Ryan with The City that they are having a hard time finding inspectors to hire to staff the landing. Since we are getting very close to needing inspections to begin the board discussed multiple options for the landing once again. Jon Tank made a motion to approve $19,999.00 total, $9,999.00 of which was already approved, to donate to The City to help pay for and hire all inspectors. Brooke Cebulla seconded. Motion approved. Jon Tank will be drafting a letter to The City with details.
  • Since Dave could not be at the meeting Jon Tank gave a brief update on PLM/AIS. The grant for Lake Pulaski in Wright AIS Control Grant project has been fully signed and executed. The board discussed how well the lake looked last summer after hiring PLM to treat the lake. They will continue and monitor where the lake needs to be treated and proceed accordingly.

Financial Report:

  • Jill Murphy reported/discussed financial statements and expenses. Current balance as of March 31st, 2021 is $221,250.95.

New Business:

  • Jill Murphy spoke with the Koch family who volunteered to judge and photograph the 4th of July festivities again this summer. More details will follow.
  • The annual meeting location will be changed back to Huikko’s Bowling Center unless there are still Covid restrictions begin enforced at that time.

Meeting Adjourned:

  •  Jon Tank motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:52pm. Bill Jundt seconded, motion carried, meeting adjourned.