LID Min August 2016

Lake Pulaski LID Board Meeting Minutes                                                   

Location, Date & Time: Murphy Co Design, 15 Division St E Buffalo, 8/2/16 7:05pm

  • Attendees: Bill Jundt, Tom Marr, Jill Murphy, Jon Tank, Brooke Cebulla
  • This monthly meeting is held for the Lake Pulaski Improvement District members and is open to the public.
  • Meeting was called to order by Jon Tank.

Previous Business:

  • Bill Jundt made a motion to approve the 6/14/16 LID minutes. Motion to approve the minutes by Jon Tank, seconded by Tom Marr. Motion approved.

New Business:

  • Jon Tank provided an update regarding a conversation he had with the city council discussing the outflow process of Lake Pulaski into Buffalo Lake and Deer Lake. The plan is to set up a meeting that is open to the public for all lake residents to have an open discussion. Possible dates in September were mentioned for the public hearing with the DNR to attend to move forward with the amendment of the current permit. A letter will be sent out from the LID to Buffalo Lake residents and Deer Lake residents notifying them of the open house date.
  • Letters were sent out to notify homeowners of Lake Pulaski regarding the annual meeting. The LID discussed agenda for the annual meeting that will be held on August 16th, 2016 at 7:00pm at Huikko’s Bowling Center.

Financial Report:

  • Jill Murphy reported/discussed financial statements and expenses. As of July 18th, 2016 the balance was $89,232.00.
  • Jill gave an update from the LID accountant, Jon Archer, from Schlenner Wenner & Co. He will be presenting at the annual meeting on August 16th.
  • The LID reviewed and discussed the budget for the annual meeting.

Meeting Adjourned:

  • Bill Jundt motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:15pm. Tom Marr seconded, motion carried, meeting adjourned.