LID Min July 2020

Lake Pulaski LID Board Meeting Minutes                                                   

Location, Date & Time: Griffing Park, Buffalo, MN 55313  7/20/20 7:00pm

  • Attendees: Bill Jundt, Dave Tauscher, Jill Murphy, Jon Tank, Brooke Cebulla.
  • This monthly meeting is held for the Lake Pulaski Improvement District members and is open to the public.
  • Meeting was called to order at 7:04pm by Jon Tank.

Previous Business:

  • Bill Jundt made a motion to approve the LID minutes from March 19th, 2019. Motion seconded by Jill Murphy. Motion approved.

New Business:

  • Dave Tauscher gave an AIS update. PLM Lake and Land Management Corp. will be treating 17.2 acres of milfoil on Lake Pulaski. The original proposal from PLM was for $30,214.27. PLM contacted the LID board and said they could treat additional areas, but it would cost more than the original quote. The LID voted and approved to spend an additional $5,214.20 to treat the maximum area allowed. The scheduled date for treatment is July 22nd. Once treatment has been completed, notice signs that list any restrictions will be posted on the shore along the treatment area. If treatment takes place more than 150 ft. from shore, PLM will place buoy signs in the affected areas.
  • Bill Jundt gave an update on pumps. One pump went down due to two/three power outages in the area over April/May. Olson Electric pulled the pump out to service. The LID received a quote from Olson Electric to repair the damaged parts. The brand name parts are very expensive, and replacing the pump is even more expensive. Currently the pump is in Monticello at Olson Electric so they can continually try and find off-brand parts to repair the pump. There are still two pumps currently working. This will be addressed at the annual meeting on August 18th, 2020.
  • Jon Tank gave an update regarding a conversation that he had with James Bedell from the DNR. Mr. Bedell said he’s had multiple complaints this year regarding Riprap and sand being adding/removed from resident’s homes. He mentioned to Jon that he would like a discussion to happen at the annual meeting reminding and educating homeowners about the rules regarding Riprap and sand and the usage on personal property. Mr. Bedell will be out to Lake Pulaski homes monitoring and assessing specific situations to make sure they fit under the guidelines of the DNR.
  • The LID board held a discussion regarding an option to compensate board members.  The discussion detailed how to keep Lake Pulaski clean and protected.  There was discussion involving previous and current time commitments, and “what it takes” moving forward. Board members have researched and contacted other LID’s and government entities to gather information regarding compensation for LID members. The current concern is when board members serve their term and choose not to run again for another term. The LID is trying to be proactive in hopes this compensation would entice new members that are passionate about the lake and would do a diligent job in whichever role they would serve.
  • Jill Murphy reported and plans to get ready for the annual meeting. The annual meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 18th, at 7:00pm, at Griffing Park. If there is inclement weather the meeting will be rescheduled at another date. If you can attend the meeting, please bring your own chair and beverage. Board members will be handing out new pens and taking precautions with our current COVID-19 situation. There will be no guest speakers this year and the LID’s accountant will also not be in attendance this year. The agenda is being reviewed and put together. Jill has been working with Jon Archer, the accountant and will finalize all budget numbers. Board members also went through the 20-21 proposed budget.

Financial Report:

  • Jill Murphy reported/discussed financial statements and expenses. Current balance is $163,261. Details will be presented at the annual meeting.
  • Jill is finalizing information with Schlenner Wenner & Co, to have their report ready by the annual meeting in August.

Meeting Adjourned:

  • Jon Tank motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:16pm. Dave Tauscher seconded, motion carried, meeting adjourned.