Lil Pulaski Lttr to Prop Owners rqst no trt 5 28 2012

May 28, 2012

Dear Little Pulaski Property Owners:

The Pulaski Lake Improvement District (LID) has contracted to treat Eurasian Watermilfoil and Curlyleaf Pondweed in Little Pulaski in 2012.

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has granted to the Lake Pulaski LID a waiver of the requirement that the association obtain the signatures of approval of owners of lake-shore property.  Instead, the Lake Pulaski LID will notify property owners of the treatment through an alternate form. This letter is one form that the Lake Pulaski LID is using to notify property owners. Notification will also be posted on the Lake Pulaski web page,  Discussion of weed control is also on the agenda for the Lake Pulaski LID’s annual meeting.  The annual meeting this year is scheduled for Tuesday, August 14th at 7pm at Huikko’s Bowling Center, 1207 Hwy 25 North in Buffalo.

With regard to the treatment for this year, 2012:

  1. The proposed date for treatment:.  JUNE 6
  2. The target species for the treatment:   EWM & CLP
  3. The method of control or product being used:  Aquathol K @ 2ppm (CLP) & DMA-4@4ppm(EWM)
  4. If you desire that the treatment of EWM or CLP  not occur adjacent to your property, please notify Linda Engwall, Lake Pulaski LID Board Member, immediately at the following address, phone number or  email address:

Linda Engwall

1410 Pulaski Rd

Buffalo, MN 55313

763-684-7304 (work)

763-682-1634 (home)

[email protected] (email address)

5. After notifying Linda, please fill in and mail the form on the second page to the above address.


Lake Pulaski Lake Association Board

I have read the annual letter sent on or before June 6 of this year and reviewed this document. I request that no herbicide treatment occur adjacent to our shoreline property.



All requested information must be entered for verification purposes.


Property Owners Name(s):                         

Lake Property Address:

City / State / Zip : 

Phone Number(s)   Home:


Mailing Address (If different from Lake Property Address):